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Integrate your creative for each digital platform

Paykel understands that creative plays a significant role in digital campaign effectiveness and is just as important as a robust media plan.

Customisation drives performance 

In this digital age, creative must be custom built for each platform as this customisation outperforms non-integrated campaign messaging by 1.67x!

Don’t re-purpose your TVC

The ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to creative production is now obsolete. Stay clear of re-purposing your TVC across all digital platforms as you could be hindering the true performance of your campaign as they often bring in lower engagement rates.


ONE. Understand how your target audience use the platform

Why does your audience use this particular platform? This will assist in developing content to align with the look and feel of the environment. 

E.g. Instagram is a media sharing network where users share photos and other videos. Therefore, there is a need for ads to be aesthetically pleasing in this environment.

To create a memorable brand experience, understand the platform features and how to best integrate them into your advertising.

E.g. For enhanced interactivity on Instagram, use polling stickers to make stories feel more native as these consumers often use this feature with friends & family.

E.g. Snapchat has a ‘swipe up’ function which drives users to the brands landing page by them swiping up on the ad. Improve swipe up success by implementing a voice over to further encourage swipe up through the use of sound.

Which device(s) are used by your audience to access the platform? This will inform creative build, specifically in relation to creative ad size.  

E.g. If your audience predominately use mobile online, it’s important for your ads to work without sound on, therefore focus on text overlays and subtitles. Some platforms such as Snapchat are mobile only, thus require a vertical format to take up the entire screen – this also humanizes the brand!

TWO. Be across platform specs when designing creative

It’s also important to understand that different platforms have unique creative specifications to ensure the ad renders correctly on site.

Don’t forget to keep your branding consistent

Creative is recommended to be customised however please note that branding is encouraged to remain consistent across all platforms to avoid brand fragmentation.This can be achieved by using one overall message/theme and key branding cues across all platforms.

What if I have a limited production budget?

You might be thinking, this is great but it sounds expensive! If budget is tight, consider making remedial changes to existing creatives rather than building creative from scratch. Paykel works with a number of preferred partners to create effective messaging, cost efficiently.

Adding text/captions to allow for sound off can increase ad performance by 8-10% on mobile at a low cost. The beauty of this approach is that you’re working from a single file source and tweaking where necessary.

In summary

At Paykel, we understand the importance of advertising that delivers a desired outcome. We are happy to assist new and existing clients to ensure creative is developed for the platform in which it will be placed, that it is engaging, memorable and prompts action.

If you currently develop your creative in-house and are just looking for independent advice or unsure if your media is delivering your business the best outcomes please get in touch.


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Saffron Carter