Ad Blocking
Oct 25, 2016
Oct 25, 2016
The idea of browsing the web without ads or popups may sound like a dream for many, but it has quickly turned into a nightmare for advertising agencies that are on the backburner of this increasing issue.
Whilst blocking ads or ‘ad blocking’ is not a new issue, it has become a growing concern as mainstream companies have created apps that are targeting larger demographics to utilise these services; making it easier for the not so ‘tech savvy’ consumers to use.
The term ‘ad blocking’, according to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), refers to software that users can download and install to prevent digital ads from appearing on computers and mobile devices. The problem with this is that although it may seem like a great idea- there is a catch. What many consumers do not realise is by using these ad blocking services, they may actually have to pay for the content that they currently receive for free- doesn’t sound so good now, does it?
In response to this increasing problem, the IAB has focused research towards finding a solution to control these services that may benefit all parties involved. Their findings suggest that more than half of web users do not properly understand online advertising and the many benefits they entail, such as allowing consumers to enjoy content and services at usually little or no cost.
You may then think why do people want to block ads in the first place? The main issue is that many internet users find them invasive. Many traditional forms of advertising usually allow some form of escape if they are not relevant to an individual’s interest. Online advertisements, however, do not usually give consumers this option as they can be abrupt and often interrupt ones online experience. IAB furthers this statement with research that suggests the primary motivation for blocking ads was because they ‘interrupt’ and ‘interfere’ with what people are doing.
In Australia, the IAB found that the use of ad-blocking software has already reached 10-15% of the adult population.Although the issue has not reached an epidemic, it is a growing concern that the digital advertising industry needs to take seriously.
Companies have created this software in the belief that blocking ads completely is the only solution for users to enjoy an interrupted, online browsing experience. However, blocking ads is clearly not the solution as it is only adding to the problem (no pun intended).
By providing leaner and better quality ads that are not so invasive, the internet will continue to be ad funded and users will still be able to freely browse the web without interruption. To find out more about Ad Blocking, visit